Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Feng Shui for 2010 Year of the Metal Tiger

Out of the blue, after a couple of years of no contact, my friend Lorna calls me. It was nice to hear from her since she was my feng shui consultant and had left the store several years ago. Well, she's now in her own consulting business and we made a date to meet.
Lorna does a free consultation according to your sign and then if you want to purchase any 'cures' she has them for sale. Actually she makes the bracelets with chinese crystals and swarovski crystals and small dzi beads. I can't resist these sparklies! I got a new blue sodalite rhino for my home office and a couple of new bracelets for prosperity, health and balance. The orange one is natural citrine with a tiny 'wealth vase' bead. The green crystal is 'peridot green' and has 7 medicine beads to keep me healthy this year. Also got a pretty 'aquamarine' crystal one for 'water' that Tigers need to keep balanced in 2010. Very affordable prices!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Puanani Rejuvenating Oil and Pest Off Repellent

A couple of years ago, my friend Chris shared her essential oil secret with me. She has been using it as a night treatment and it sure does work.

Recently, I became concerned about using skin care products with lots of chemicals with long, unpronouncable names. Since menopause, I've been on thyroid and cholesterol meds. I truly believe that my generation is the "guinea pig" generation; we're the first humans who will have taken these drugs for a lifetime and I know all that stuff does help the test results but also ends up in my liver!

So I thought, if these oils have been around for centuries (or more?), why not use them. The rejuvenating facial oil is made of medicinal grade oils, so safe, they can be injested. When I met Ajith, who is the master blender, chemist, expert, I couldn't believe how young he looked. He's 70 years old and has been working with essential oils for many decades, beginning in London where he learned this art.

After meeting him and seeing how he works, I asked him to create a cream based insect repellent for me. Wow! it's so safe, even kids can use it. I've given away so many bottles and received testimonials from people that love it because it works. I gave it the "acid test" myself last month. In the bamboo jungle of Kaneohe, I stood there while a friend harvested stalks. I was surrounded by swarms of mosquitos ( I'm cringing as I write this!!!) but they did not land and I did not get bitten at all!! Back to the facial oil. I'm on my second bottle, it lasts quite a while. Just a couple of drops a night is all that's needed. My skin absorbs it and there is no oily residue on my pillow or face in the morning. Friends who have tried it really like it and come back to get more. Though the cosmetic companies have flashy ads with promises of eternal youth, I am no longer swayed by them. I read ingredient labels and try to be organic as much as (financially) possible.
It's very lightly scented; as you can see from the label there are flower oils as well as vitamin E. Ajith chose each of these oils per Chris' request for an anti-aging, skin rejuvenating combination. I love it!
In the testing stage--a blend for aging boomer men!